Source code for crispy_forms_foundation.layout.buttons


    * `Foundation 6 Button <>`_;
    * `Foundation 6 Button Group <>`_;

"""  # noqa: E501
from django.template.loader import render_to_string

from crispy_forms.utils import render_field, TEMPLATE_PACK
from crispy_forms import layout as crispy_forms_layout

__all__ = [
    'ButtonHolder', 'ButtonHolderCallout', 'ButtonGroup',
    'Button', 'Submit', 'Reset',
    'InputButton', 'InputSubmit', 'InputReset',
    'ButtonElement', 'ButtonSubmit', 'ButtonReset',

[docs]class ButtonHolder(crispy_forms_layout.ButtonHolder): """ It wraps fields in an element ``<div class="button-holder">``. This is where you should put Layout objects that render to form buttons like Submit. It should only hold ``HTML`` and ``BaseInput`` inherited objects. Example: .. code-block:: python ButtonHolder( HTML(<span style="display: hidden;">Information Saved</span>), Submit('Save', 'Save') ) """ template = "%s/layout/buttonholder.html"
[docs]class ButtonHolderCallout(ButtonHolder): """ Act like ``ButtonHolder`` but add a ``callout`` class name on the main ``div``. """ def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['css_class'] = kwargs.get('css_class', '')+' callout' super().__init__(field, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ButtonGroup(crispy_forms_layout.LayoutObject): """ It wraps fields in an element ``<div class="button-group">``. This is where you should put Layout objects that render to form buttons like Submit. It should only hold `HTML` and `BaseInput` inherited objects. Example: .. code-block:: python ButtonGroup( Submit('Save', 'Save'), Button('Cancel', 'Cancel'), ) """ template = "%s/layout/buttongroup.html" def __init__(self, *fields, **kwargs): self.fields = list(fields) self.css_class = kwargs.get('css_class', None) self.css_id = kwargs.get('css_id', None) self.template = kwargs.get('template', self.template) def render(self, form, context, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): field_list = [] template = self.get_template_name(template_pack) for field in self.fields: field_list.append( render_field(field, form, context, template_pack=template_pack) ) buttons = render_to_string(template, { 'buttongroup': self, 'field_list': field_list, }) return buttons
[docs]class InputButton(crispy_forms_layout.BaseInput): """ Used to create a Submit input descriptor for the {% crispy %} template tag: .. code-block:: python button = InputButton('Button 1', 'Press Me!') .. note:: The first argument is also slugified and turned into the id for the button. """ input_type = 'button' field_classes = 'button'
[docs]class Button(InputButton): """ This is the old Button object that inherit from ``InputButton`` for backward compatibility. If you want to stand for an input button, you are invited to use ``InputButton`` instead to avoid problem when ``ButtonElement`` will become the new ``Button`` object. """ pass
[docs]class InputSubmit(crispy_forms_layout.BaseInput): """ Used to create a Submit button descriptor for the {% crispy %} template tag: .. code-block:: python submit = Submit('Search the Site', 'search this site') """ input_type = 'submit' field_classes = 'submit button'
[docs]class Submit(InputSubmit): """ This is the old Button object that inherit from ``InputSubmit`` for backward compatibility. If you want to stand for an input button, you are invited to use ``InputSubmit`` instead to avoid problem when ``ButtonSubmit`` will become the new ``Submit`` object. """ pass
[docs]class InputReset(crispy_forms_layout.BaseInput): """ Used to create a Reset button input descriptor for the ``{% crispy %}`` template tag: .. code-block:: python reset = Reset('Reset This Form', 'Revert Me!') """ input_type = 'reset' field_classes = 'reset button'
[docs]class Reset(InputReset): """ This is the old Button object that inherit from ``InputReset`` for backward compatibility. If you want to stand for an input button, you are invited to use ``InputReset`` instead to avoid problem when ``ButtonReset`` will become the new ``Reset`` object. """ pass
[docs]class ButtonElement(crispy_forms_layout.BaseInput): """ Contrary to ``Button``, ButtonElement purpose use a ``<button>`` element to create a clickable form button and accept an argument to add free content inside element. Advantage of ``<button>`` is to accept almost any HTML content inside element. .. code-block:: python button = ButtonElement('name', 'value', content="<span>Press Me!</span>") .. note:: * First argument is for ``name`` attribute and also turned into the id for the button; * Second argument is for ``value`` attribute and also for element content if not given; * Third argument is an optional named argument ``content``, if given it will be appended inside element instead of ``value``. Content string is marked as safe so you can put anything you want; """ template = "%s/layout/basebutton.html" input_type = 'button' field_classes = 'button' def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): self.content = kwargs.pop('content', None) super(ButtonElement, self).__init__(field, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def render(self, form, context, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): context['button_content'] = self.content return super(ButtonElement, self).render(form, context, template_pack)
[docs]class ButtonSubmit(ButtonElement): """ Create a submit button following the ``ButtonElement`` behaviors: .. code-block:: python button = ButtonSubmit('search', 'go-search', content="<span>Search this site!</span>") """ input_type = 'submit' field_classes = 'submit button'
[docs]class ButtonReset(ButtonElement): """ Create a reset button following the ``ButtonElement`` behaviors: .. code-block:: python button = ButtonReset('reset', 'revert' content="<span>Revert Me!</span>") """ input_type = 'reset' field_classes = 'reset button'