
Import crispy-forms-foundation then you can use the layout objects in your form :

from crispy_forms_foundation.layout import Layout, Fieldset, Field, SplitDateTimeField, Row, RowFluid, Column, Div, ButtonHolder, Submit, HTML

class YourForm(forms.ModelForm):
    *Page* form
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.helper = FormHelper()
        self.helper.form_action = '.'
        self.helper.layout = Layout(
                ugettext('Display settings'),
                    Column('template', css_class='large-6'),
                    Column('order', css_class='large-3'),
                    Column('visible', css_class='large-3'),
                ugettext('Publish settings'),
                    Column(SplitDateTimeField('published'), css_class='large-6'),
                    Column('slug', css_class='large-6'),
                Submit('submit_and_continue', ugettext('Save and continue')),
                Submit('submit', ugettext('Save')),

        super(YourForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

The embedded templates are in crispy_forms_foundation/templates/foundation.

Layout items

Inherits from the “uni_form” Layout objects to force templates on TEMPLATE_PACK and use of Foundation CSS classes

Also the templates are more clean that the included ones from crispy_forms which produce too much spaces and newlines in the final HTML.

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Button(name, value, **kwargs)

Used to create a Submit input descriptor for the {% crispy %} template tag:

button = Button('Button 1', 'Press Me!')


The first argument is also slugified and turned into the id for the button.

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.ButtonGroup(*fields, **kwargs)

It wraps fields in a <ul class="button-group">

This is where you should put Layout objects that render to form buttons like Submit. It should only hold HTML and BaseInput inherited objects.


    Submit('Save', 'Save'),
    Button('Cancel', 'Cancel'),
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.ButtonHolder(*fields, **kwargs)

It wraps fields in a <div class="button-holder">

This is where you should put Layout objects that render to form buttons like Submit. It should only hold HTML and BaseInput inherited objects.


    HTML(<span style="display: hidden;">Information Saved</span>),
    Submit('Save', 'Save')
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.ButtonHolderPanel(field, *args, **kwargs)

Act like ButtonHolder but add a panel css class on the main div

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Column(field, *args, **kwargs)

It wraps fields in a div. If not defined, CSS class will default to large-12 columns. columns class is always appended, so you don’t need to specify it.

This is the column from the Foundation Grid, all columns should be contained in a Row or a RowFluid and you will have to define the column type in the css_class attribute.


Column('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', css_class='small-12 large-6')

Will render to something like that:

<div class"small-12 large-6 columns">...</div>

columns class is always appended, so you don’t need to specify it.

If not defined, css_class will default to large-12.

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Div(*fields, **kwargs)

It wraps fields in a <div>

You can set css_id for a DOM id and css_class for a DOM class. Example:

Div('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', css_id='div-example', css_class='divs')
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Field(*args, **kwargs)

Layout object, It contains one field name, and you can add attributes to it easily. For setting class attributes, you need to use css_class, as class is a Python keyword.


Field('field_name', style="color: #333;", css_class="whatever", id="field_name")
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Fieldset(legend, *fields, **kwargs)

It wraps fields in a <fieldset>:

Fieldset("Text for the legend",

The first parameter is the text for the fieldset legend. This text is context aware, so you can do things like :

Fieldset("Data for {{ user.username }}",
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Hidden(name, value, **kwargs)

Used to create a Hidden input descriptor for the {% crispy %} template tag.

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.InlineField(field, label_column='large-3', input_column='large-9', label_class='', *args, **kwargs)

Layout object for rendering an inline field with Foundation


class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.InlineJustifiedField(field, *args, **kwargs)

Same as InlineField but default is to be right aligned with a vertical padding

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.MultiField(label, *fields, **kwargs)

MultiField container. Renders to a MultiField

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Panel(field, *args, **kwargs)

Act like Div but add a panel css class.


Panel('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', css_id='div-example', css_class='divs')
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Reset(name, value, **kwargs)

Used to create a Reset button input descriptor for the {% crispy %} template tag:

reset = Reset('Reset This Form', 'Revert Me!')


The first argument is also slugified and turned into the id for the reset.

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Row(*fields, **kwargs)

It wraps fields in a div whose default class is row. Example:

Row('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', 'form_field_3')

Act as a div container row, it will embed its items in a div like that:

<div class"row">Your stuff</div>
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.RowFluid(*fields, **kwargs)

It wraps fields in a div whose default class is “row row-fluid”. Example:

RowFluid('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', 'form_field_3')

It has a same behaviour than Row but add a CSS class “row-fluid” that you can use to have top level row that take all the container width. You have to put the CSS for this class to your CSS stylesheets. It will embed its items in a div like that:

<div class"row row-fluid">Your stuff</div>

The CSS to add should be something like that:

.row-fluid {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    min-width: 100%;
class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.SplitDateTimeField(*args, **kwargs)

Just an inherit from crispy_forms.layout.Field to have a common Field for displaying field with the django.forms.extra.SplitDateTimeWidget widget.

Simply use a specific template

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.Submit(name, value, **kwargs)

Used to create a Submit button descriptor for the {% crispy %} template tag:

submit = Submit('Search the Site', 'search this site')


The first argument is also slugified and turned into the id for the submit button.

class crispy_forms_foundation.layout.SwitchField(field, *args, **kwargs)

A specific field to use Foundation form switches

You should only use this with a checkbox field


SwitchField('field_name', style="color: #333;", css_class="whatever", id="field_name")

Use Foundation 5 Abide

You can use Abide validation in your form but note that there is no support within the layout objects. You will have to add the required attribute (and eventually its pattern) on your field widgets in your form.

So to enable Abide you’ll have to load its Javascript library if you don’t load yet the whole Foundation library, then in your form helper you will have to its attribute on the form like this :

class SampleForm(forms.Form):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.helper = FormHelper()
        self.helper.attrs = {'data_abide': ''}
        self.helper.form_action = '.'
        self.helper.layout = Layout(

        super(SampleForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Then add the required attribute on a field widget like this :

textarea_input = forms.CharField(label=_('Textarea'), widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'required':''}), required=True)