Source code for crispy_forms_foundation.layout.grid


    * `Foundation 6 Grid <>`_;

"""  # noqa: E501
from crispy_forms_foundation.layout.base import Div

__all__ = [
    'Row', 'RowFluid', 'Column',

[docs]class Row(Div): """ Wrap fields in a div whose default class is ``row``. Example: .. code-block:: python Row('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', 'form_field_3') Act as a div container row, it will embed its items in a div like that: .. code-block:: html <div class="row">Content</div> """ css_class = 'row'
[docs]class RowFluid(Row): """ Wrap fields in a div whose default class is "row row-fluid". Example: .. code-block:: python RowFluid('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', 'form_field_3') It has a same behaviour than *Row* but add a CSS class "row-fluid" that you can use to have top level row that take all the container width. You have to put the CSS for this class to your CSS stylesheets. It will embed its items in a div like that: .. code-block:: html <div class="row row-fluid">Content</div> The CSS to add should be something like that: .. code-block:: scss :force: /* * Fluid row takes the full width but keep normal row and columns * behaviors */ @mixin row-fluid-mixin { max-width: 100%; // Restore the initial behavior restrained to the grid .row{ margin: auto; @include grid-row; // Preserve nested fluid behavior &.row-fluid{ max-width: 100%; } } } .row.row-fluid{ @include row-fluid-mixin; } @media #{$small-up} { .row.small-row-fluid{ @include row-fluid-mixin; } } @media #{$medium-up} { .row.medium-row-fluid{ @include row-fluid-mixin; } } @media #{$large-up} { .row.large-row-fluid{ @include row-fluid-mixin; } } @media #{$xlarge-up} { .row.xlarge-row-fluid{ @include row-fluid-mixin; } } @media #{$xxlarge-up} { .row.xxlarge-row-fluid{ @include row-fluid-mixin; } } It must be included after Foundation grid component is imported. """ css_class = 'row row-fluid'
[docs]class Column(Div): """ Wrap fields in a div. If not defined, CSS class will default to ``large-12 columns``. ``columns`` class is always appended, so you don't need to specify it. This is the column from the Foundation Grid component, all columns should be contained in a **Row** or a **RowFluid** and you will have to define the column type in the ``css_class`` attribute. Example: .. code-block:: python Column('form_field_1', 'form_field_2', css_class='small-12 large-6') Will render to something like that: .. code-block:: html <div class="small-12 large-6 columns">...</div> ``columns`` class is always appended, so you don't need to specify it. If not defined, ``css_class`` will default to ``large-12``. """ css_class = 'columns' def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): self.field = field if 'css_class' not in kwargs: kwargs['css_class'] = 'large-12' super(Column, self).__init__(field, *args, **kwargs)