Source code for crispy_forms_foundation.layout.fields


    * `Foundation 6 Forms <>`_;
    * `Foundation 6 Switches <>`_;

"""  # noqa: E501
from crispy_forms.utils import render_field, TEMPLATE_PACK
from crispy_forms import layout as crispy_forms_layout

__all__ = [
    'Field', 'FakeField', 'Hidden', 'MultiWidgetField', 'MultiField',
    'SplitDateTimeField', 'InlineField', 'InlineJustifiedField', 'SwitchField',

[docs]class Field(crispy_forms_layout.Field): """ Layout object, contain one field name and you can add attributes to it easily. For setting class attributes, you need to use ``css_class``, because ``class`` is a reserved Python keyword. Example: .. code-block:: python Field('field_name', style="color: #333;", css_class="whatever", id="field_name") """ template = "%s/field.html"
[docs]class FakeField(Field): """ Fake field is intended to be used with some app that does not honor field ID on the input element alike ``django-recaptcha`` that build a textarea with a dummy ID attribute. This leads to HTML validation error. Fake field works as basic Field object except a ``fake_field`` variable is passed to the template context. Actually the only difference with a ``Field`` is label element drops ``for`` attribute. You should use this field in last resort. """ def render(self, form, context, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): context['fake_field'] = True return super(FakeField, self).render(form, context, template_pack)
[docs]class Hidden(crispy_forms_layout.Hidden): """ Hidden field. Work as basic Field except the ``hidden`` value for ``type`` attribute. """ input_type = 'hidden' field_classes = 'hidden'
[docs]class MultiWidgetField(crispy_forms_layout.MultiWidgetField): pass
[docs]class MultiField(crispy_forms_layout.MultiField): """ MultiField container. Render to a MultiField """ template = "%s/layout/multifield.html" field_template = "%s/multifield.html"
[docs]class SplitDateTimeField(Field): """ Just an inherit from ``crispy_forms.layout.Field`` to have a common Field for displaying field with the ``django.forms.extra.SplitDateTimeWidget`` widget. Simply use a specific template """ template = "%s/layout/splitdatetime_field.html"
[docs]class InlineField(Field): """ Layout object for rendering an inline field with Foundation Example: .. code-block:: python InlineField('field_name') Or: .. code-block:: python InlineField('field_name', label_column='large-8', input_column='large-4', label_class='') ``label_column``, ``input_column``, ``label_class``, are optional argument. """ template = "%s/layout/inline_field.html" def __init__(self, field, label_column='large-3', input_column='large-9', label_class='', *args, **kwargs): self.field = field self.label_column = label_column+' columns' self.input_column = input_column+' columns' self.label_class = label_class super(InlineField, self).__init__(field, *args, **kwargs) def render(self, form, context, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): context['label_column'] = self.label_column context['input_column'] = self.input_column context['label_class'] = self.label_class html = '' template = self.get_template_name(template_pack) for field in self.fields: html += render_field(field, form, context, template=template, attrs=self.attrs, template_pack=template_pack) return html
[docs]class InlineJustifiedField(InlineField): """ Same as InlineField but default is to be right aligned with a vertical padding """ def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): default = 'middle text-right inline' kwargs['label_class'] = kwargs.get('label_class', None) or default super(InlineJustifiedField, self).__init__(field, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SwitchField(Field): """ A specific field to use Foundation form switches You must only use this with a checkbox field and this is a *raw* usage of this Foundation element, you should see ``InlineSwitchField`` instead. Example: .. code-block:: python SwitchField('field_name', style="color: #333;", css_class="whatever", id="field_name") """ template = "%s/switch.html" def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): self.switch_class = ['switch'] + kwargs.pop('switch_class', '').split() kwargs['class'] = (kwargs.pop('class', '') + ' switch-input').strip() super(SwitchField, self).__init__(field, *args, **kwargs) def render(self, form, context, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): context['switch_class'] = " ".join(self.switch_class) return super(SwitchField, self).render(form, context, template_pack)
[docs]class InlineSwitchField(InlineField): """ Like ``SwitchField`` it use Foundation form switches with checkbox field but within an ``InlineField`` Contrary to ``SwitchField`` this play nice with the label to be able to display it (as Foundation form switches default behavior is to hide the label text) Example: .. code-block:: python InlineSwitchField('field_name') Or: .. code-block:: python InlineSwitchField('field_name', label_column='large-8', input_column='large-4', label_class='', switch_class="inline") ``label_column``, ``input_column``, ``label_class``, ``switch_class`` are optional argument. """ template = "%s/inline_switch.html" def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): self.switch_class = ['switch']+kwargs.pop('switch_class', '').split() kwargs['label_column'] = kwargs.pop('label_column', 'large-8') kwargs['input_column'] = kwargs.pop('input_column', 'large-4') kwargs['class'] = (kwargs.pop('class', '') + ' switch-input').strip() super(InlineSwitchField, self).__init__(field, *args, **kwargs) def render(self, form, context, template_pack=TEMPLATE_PACK): context['switch_class'] = " ".join(self.switch_class) return super(InlineSwitchField, self).render(form, context, template_pack)